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  • Support rigorous, research-based STEM preparation for teachers, particularly general education teachers, who have the most contact with potential STEM innovators at young ages. Attention would be given to supporting the training of teachers in the most effective methods of teaching STEM content, including hands-on and unstructured problem solving and inquiry-based learning 

  • Provide support to formal and informal programs that have a proven record of accomplishment in stimulating potential STEM innovators.  These would include formal education programs that use innovative teaching methods or employ inquiry-based learning, and informal programs, such as robotics and invention competitions.

  • Leverage Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ghana Education Service (GES) to encourage large-scale, sustained partnerships among higher education institutions, museums, industry, content developers and providers, research laboratories and centers, and primary and secondary schools to deploy the Nation’s science assets in ways that engage tomorrow’s STEM innovators. Attention would be given to mentoring opportunities for students in primary, secondary, and partnerships that engage students and teachers in the categories in entrepreneurial, innovative environments.

  • Create STEM programs that offer portable, merit-based scholarships for talented primary and high school students to participate in challenging enrichment activities, such as summer programs, Math Circles, hands-on research experiences, and competitions. The scholarship criteria would emphasize identifying students who possess high potential but who have not had consistent prior opportunities to demonstrate academic excellence.

  • Increase the technological capabilities and network infrastructure in rural and low-income areas, and expand cyber-learning opportunities. Some examples of these opportunities include access to digital resources, remote connections with STEM experts, the creation of online learning communities, and virtual laboratories.

  • Create a national database of formal and informal education opportunities for highly talented students, and publicize and promote such opportunities nationally to parents, education professionals, and content and resource providers.

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